Which Answer Shows 0.00897 Written In Scientific Notation?

which answer shows 0 00897 written in scientific notation 103337

The answer to which shows 0.00897 written in scientific notation is 8.97 x 10^-3. Scientific notation is a way to express very large or very small numbers in a more concise and manageable format. It is commonly used in scientific and mathematical calculations. Understanding how to convert numbers into scientific notation is essential for anyone working with data analysis, engineering, or physics. By moving the decimal point to the right or left, we can express numbers as a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10. This allows for easier manipulation and comparison of numbers across different scales. In this case, 0.00897 is written as 8.97 x 10^-3 in scientific notation. It simplifies the representation of this decimal number in a more compact form.

Scientific notation for 0.00897 is 8.97 x 10-3.
Exponent of scientific notation for 0.00897 is -3.
Decimal point in scientific notation for 0.00897 is after the first digit.
In scientific notation, 0.00897 is written as 8.97 x 10-3.
Significant figures in scientific notation for 0.00897 are three.

  • 0.00897 in scientific notation has a negative exponent.
  • The mantissa of 0.00897 in scientific notation is 8.97.
  • Scientific notation of 0.00897 is used for compact representation.
  • 0.00897 expressed in scientific notation is 8.97 x 10-3.
  • Standard form of 0.00897 in scientific notation is 8.97 x 10-3.

What Is the Scientific Notation for 0.00897?

Scientific notation is a way of expressing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. In this case, 0.00897 in scientific notation would be written as 8.97 x 10^-3.

  • 8.97 is the coefficient
  • 10 is the base
  • -3 is the exponent

How Can I Convert 0.00897 to Scientific Notation?

To convert 0.00897 to scientific notation, you move the decimal point to create a number between 1 and 10, then multiply it by a power of 10. Therefore, 0.00897 in scientific notation is 8.97 x 10^-3.

Original Number: 0.00897
Coefficient: 8.97
Exponent: -3

Why Is Scientific Notation Used for Numbers Like 0.00897?

Scientific notation is used for numbers like 0.00897 to make it easier to work with very large or very small numbers. It helps in performing calculations and representing numbers in a more concise and standardized way.

  • Convenient for calculations
  • Standardized representation
  • Easier comparison of numbers

When Should I Use Scientific Notation for 0.00897?

Scientific notation is particularly useful for numbers like 0.00897 when dealing with measurements in science, engineering, and other fields where very large or very small quantities are common.

Field: Science

Where Can I Learn More About Scientific Notation for 0.00897?

To learn more about scientific notation for 0.00897, you can refer to textbooks on mathematics, physics, or online resources that provide detailed explanations and examples of how to convert numbers into scientific notation.

  • Mathematics textbooks
  • Physics resources
  • Online tutorials

Which Mathematical Operations Can Be Performed on 0.00897 in Scientific Notation?

Mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be performed on 0.00897 in scientific notation by following the rules of manipulating numbers with exponents and coefficients.

Addition Subtraction
Multiplication Division

Who Invented the Concept of Scientific Notation for Numbers Like 0.00897?

The concept of scientific notation for numbers like 0.00897 has been used by scientists and mathematicians for centuries to simplify the representation of very large or very small numbers in a more manageable format.

  • Scientists
  • Mathematicians

Whose Work Contributed to the Development of Scientific Notation for 0.00897?

The development of scientific notation for numbers like 0.00897 can be attributed to the collective efforts of various mathematicians, scientists, and scholars throughout history who sought to improve the way numbers are expressed and manipulated.

Mathematicians Scientists

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