What Is 0.52 As A Fraction?

what is 0 52 as a fraction 109917

0.52 as a fraction is 13/25. Converting decimals to fractions can be confusing, but it’s essential for understanding mathematical concepts. 0.52 as a fraction is a simple process that involves expressing the decimal as a ratio of two integers. In this case, 0.52 as a fraction is 13/25. By simplifying the fraction, we can see that 0.52 as a fraction is a proper fraction between 0 and 1. Understanding how to convert decimals to fractions is crucial for various applications in mathematics and real-life scenarios. Practice converting decimals to fractions to improve your mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.

0.52 as a fraction is 13/25.
0.52 can also be written as 26/50.
The fraction 13/25 is in lowest terms.
0.52 is equivalent to 52% as a percentage.
The decimal 0.52 can be converted to a fraction.

  • 0.52 expressed as a fraction is thirteen twenty-fifths.
  • 0.52 simplified is 13/25 in its simplest form.
  • The decimal 0.52 can be changed to a fraction.
  • 0.52 is equal to 13/25 when written as a fraction.
  • 0.52 can be expressed as thirteen over twenty-five.

What Is 0.52 As A Fraction?

0.52 as a fraction is written as 52/100. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which in this case is 4. So, 52/100 simplifies to 13/25.

  • How do you write 0.52 as a fraction? To write 0.52 as a fraction, you simply take the decimal number 0.52 and express it as a ratio of two integers. In this case, 0.52 can be written as 52/100.

Is 0.52 a terminating decimal? Yes, 0.52 is a terminating decimal because it ends or terminates after a certain number of decimal places. In this case, 0.52 does not have recurring digits and ends at the hundredths place.

  • What is the simplest form of 0.52 as a fraction? The simplest form of 0.52 as a fraction is 13/25, which is obtained by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, 4.

Can 0.52 be expressed as a mixed number? Yes, 0.52 can be expressed as a mixed number as 0.52 = 0 + 52/100 = 0 + 13/25. Therefore, 0.52 as a mixed number is 0 13/25.

  • What is the percentage form of 0.52? To convert 0.52 to a percentage, you multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.52 as a percentage is 52%.

How do you convert 0.52 to a fraction in simplest form? To convert 0.52 to a fraction in simplest form, you write it as 52/100 and simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4. Thus, 0.52 simplifies to 13/25.

  • Is 0.52 a rational number? Yes, 0.52 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction, which is 52/100 or 13/25 in simplest form.

What is the decimal equivalent of 13/25? The decimal equivalent of 13/25 is 0.52. To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. In this case, 13 divided by 25 equals 0.52.

  • How can you represent 0.52 as a fraction and a percentage? To represent 0.52 as a fraction, you write it as 52/100 and simplify it to 13/25. To represent 0.52 as a percentage, you multiply it by 100, making it 52%.

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