Who Counters Nocturne?

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Nocturne is countered by champions like Lee Sin, Zac, and Jax in League of Legends. These champions have abilities that can disrupt Nocturne’s engages and outduel him in fights. Lee Sin’s mobility and crowd control can easily negate Nocturne’s spell shield, while Zac’s crowd control and sustain make it difficult for Nocturne to burst him down. Jax, on the other hand, can outscale Nocturne in the late game with his split-pushing capabilities and dueling potential. By picking one of these champions, players can effectively counter Nocturne’s playstyle and secure victory in the game. Remember to adapt your strategy according to the game situation and communicate with your team to maximize your chances of winning against Nocturne.

Champions like Maokai and Poppy counter Nocturne’s burst damage.
Use CC heavy champions such as Leona or Lulu to shut down Nocturne.
Items like Zhonya’s Hourglass or Guardian Angel can negate Nocturne’s ult.
Nocturne struggles against tanky champions with high sustain like Mundo.
Wards and proper vision control can prevent Nocturne from successful ganks.

  • Counter Nocturne by picking champions with strong disengage abilities.
  • Building armor and health can make it difficult for Nocturne to burst you down.
  • Positioning well in team fights can prevent Nocturne from diving your backline.
  • Communication and teamwork are key to shutting down Nocturne’s map presence.
  • Peel for your carries to protect them from Nocturne’s engage.

Who Counters Nocturne?

Why does Nocturne struggle against Shen?

Nocturne struggles against Shen because of Shen’s ability to shield allies from Nocturne’s ultimate ability, Paranoia. Shen’s global presence with his ultimate, Stand United, can also foil Nocturne’s split-pushing attempts.

  • Shen’s ability to protect allies with his shield
  • Global presence with his ultimate, Stand United

What makes Malzahar a strong pick against Nocturne?

Malzahar is a strong pick against Nocturne due to his crowd control abilities, especially his ultimate, Nether Grasp, which can lock down Nocturne and prevent him from diving into the backline.

Crowd control from abilities like Nether Grasp Silence from Malefic Visions can disrupt Nocturne’s spell rotation

How does Lulu counter Nocturne’s engage potential?

Lulu counters Nocturne by using her polymorph ability, Help, Pix!, to turn Nocturne into a harmless critter, negating his engage potential and disrupting his combo.

  • Polymorph ability from Help, Pix!
  • Ultimate ability, Wild Growth, can save allies targeted by Nocturne

What makes Janna a good pick against Nocturne?

Janna is a good pick against Nocturne because of her ability to peel for her carries with crowd control from abilities like Howling Gale and Monsoon, disrupting Nocturne’s engages.

Peel potential with crowd control abilities Disengage potential with Monsoon to counter Nocturne’s engage

When should you pick Poppy into a Nocturne matchup?

You should pick Poppy into a Nocturne matchup when the enemy team has a heavy diving composition, as Poppy’s abilities like Steadfast Presence can shut down Nocturne’s engages and keep her carries safe.

  • Ability to deny dashes with Steadfast Presence
  • Ultimate ability, Keeper’s Verdict, can disrupt Nocturne’s engages

Which support champions synergize well with Nocturne in the jungle?

Support champions like Morgana and Leona synergize well with Nocturne in the jungle due to their crowd control abilities, which can help set up successful ganks and secure kills.

Crowd control from Morgana’s Dark Binding Engage potential from Leona’s Zenith Blade and Solar Flare

What makes Kindred a strong pick against Nocturne in the jungle?

Kindred is a strong pick against Nocturne in the jungle because of her ability to kite him with her passive, Mark of the Kindred, and ultimate, Lamb’s Respite, which can negate Nocturne’s burst damage.

  • Kiting potential with Mark of the Kindred
  • Ultimate ability, Lamb’s Respite, can deny Nocturne’s kill pressure

Why does Lissandra counter Nocturne in the mid lane?

Lissandra counters Nocturne in the mid lane due to her crowd control abilities like Ring of Frost and Glacial Path, which can lock down Nocturne and prevent him from assassinating her carries.

Crowd control from Ring of Frost and Glacial Path Self-peel with Frozen Tomb to survive Nocturne’s engage

How does Tahm Kench neutralize Nocturne’s pick potential?

Tahm Kench neutralizes Nocturne’s pick potential by using his Devour ability to save allies targeted by Nocturne’s engage, denying Nocturne the opportunity to eliminate isolated targets.

  • Devour ability can save allies from Nocturne’s engage
  • Ultimate ability, Abyssal Voyage, can reposition allies to safety

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